Laura M. Savard

Laura holds education from Polestar® Pilates, the New England Center for Circus Arts (NECCA) aerial silk program, Functional Range Conditioning® and Kinstretch®.

She is a personal trainer and mobility specialist, working with athletes to boost performance and those interested in improving overall body function for everyday life.

You’ll find her exploring innovative ways to efficiently condition the body on land and in the air.

My first vivid memory of exercise was in graded school. It was basketball month. I hated basketball and hid in the locker room to avoid the humiliation of having to play in class! Fast forward several decades and movement has become my passion. The more I learn about the body and experience progress in my own, the more fascinated I become about the possibilities.

Movement is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate.
~ Joseph Pilates


  • I purchased and owned a large physical therapy and Pilates studio from 2008-2020. I have extensive experience in all aspects of running a small business.

  • Before owning my first business I had ZERO business experience. I attended Wheaton College in Norton, MA and designed my own major in Environmental Psychology and Eastern Religions.

  • In college I studied abroad in India, Nepal, Tibet and China through the School for International Training (SIT). I met the Dalai Lama and was able to ask him a question. I also contracted a stomach infection while there and spent a week in a hospital in Chengdu, China!

  • I am a cat lover. My partner, Nick, and I have two cats and also foster felines for the Chittenden County Humane Society (HSCCVT) - adopt, don’t shop!

  • In 2018 I taught a Pilates & Kittens benefit class for HSCCVT. Very little Pilates happened during that class ☺
